3 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Custom Glass Door Signage

3 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Custom Glass Door Signage

September 21, 2017, 3:33 am

It's no secret that a well-placed and well-designed sign can help to raise visibility and sales of merchandise. In fact, several studies, including one from Brigham Young University, showed that merchandise with a sign outsold merchandise without a sign by 20%. If you've recently invested in custom signs, it's important to know how to use them as effectively as possible. Here are just a few tips for making the most of your custom glass door signage.

Location, Location, Location
The first step to maximizing the effectiveness of your custom glass door signage is to take advantage of its versatility by placing it in multiple locations throughout your storefront. For example, a grocery store should have custom glass door signage not only on its front doors, but its refrigerated section doors, freezer section doors, and alcoholic beverage cooler doors as well. This ensures that the signage will be seen by as many customers as possible.

Convey Relevant Information
The next step to custom signage success is to create your business' signs with purpose. Make sure you're conveying relevant information in the appropriate way. Glass door signs located on a grocery store's front doors, for example, should relay information that customers should know when first entering, such as business hours and any current discounts or promotions that are only offered for a limited time. Similarly, use your store's refrigerated and frozen section glass doors to convey any new or discontinued products in stock. Graphics showing cross-comparisons with prices from competing grocery stores will also help pave the way to success. This not only increases customer satisfaction but can increase sales and keep customers in the store longer.

Customize For Your Audience
While traditional glass door business signs are standardized in a 'one-size-fits-all' style, custom glass door signage allows for the implementation of specific design techniques that make signs more appealing and eye-catching than ever. Make sure each and every one of your custom retail displays are designed using a legible font with readable colors. Try to avoid clashing font and background colors or conveying too much information for the customer to adequate absorb.

Ultimately, keeping these creative retail display ideas in mind during your custom glass door signage endeavors will ensure customer satisfaction for years to come.