5 Christmas Marketing Ideas To Increase In-Store Sales

5 Christmas Marketing Ideas To Increase In-Store Sales

Published by Global Display Solution on December 3, 2021, 3:29 am

The holiday shopping season is fast approaching, and more businesses than ever are promoting their businesses with festive marketing. Make sure your business can keep up with the competition by adding your own fresh marketing strategies. When you’re trying to keep up with everyone else’s holiday marketing, it can be difficult to know where to start, so try these five Christmas marketing ideas to increase in-store sales.

Gift Suggestion Guides

Show how much you know your customers by creating gift guides that are perfect for your target audience. Get creative and design a virtual gift guide on your store’s website or product newsletter, which you can push virtually through email and other methods. If you don’t have these virtual resources, you can still promote gift ideas in-store with a gift guide display. Group related products that pair well with each other and market them as the perfect gift bundle for the chosen demographic.

Push Gift Cards

Gift cards make great gift opportunities, especially during the holiday season, which is the best time to push gift card purchases. Make sure your gift card displays are front and center near your store’s entrance, checkout, and other high-traffic areas. You could even place them near your gift guide displays as a catchall option for those customers who just can’t decide on a gift.

Offer Holiday Discounts

All customers are on the lookout for deals during the holiday season. If your business can afford it, offering discounts and promotions on some of your products or even store-wide is a fantastic way to encourage more sales.

Target Last-Minute Shoppers

We’ve all been guilty of it—waiting until the last minute to shop for someone on our Christmas gift list. Target these last-minute shoppers by stressing a sense of urgency. For example, include a countdown to Christmas Day calendar near your displays or put one at the bottom of every email. Take advantage of this sense of urgency by marketing the lack of shipping times when you buy in-store. Many shipping companies get backed up and delayed around the holidays, which makes local shopping even more valuable.

Text and Email Campaigns

Finally, take advantage of text and email campaigns. The holidays are the time of year to really push your budget and your email marketing and texting plans (without spamming your customers, of course). If you don’t already have a text and email service, there are many free and low-price options available for a quick setup.

The holidays are the perfect time to get creative with your marketing. If you’re struggling to find marketing ideas, try these five Christmas marketing ideas to increase in-store sales. If you’re in need of materials for setting up all these new Christmas displays, check out The Global Display Solutions for all the store fixtures and displays you need.