How Far Apart Should You Place Shelf Signs?

How Far Apart Should You Place Shelf Signs?

Published by Global Display Solution on July 3, 2023, 2:36 am

Retailers and store owners need to consider more than the products and merchandise in their stores. The layout of the shop is also an important factor. However, the layout goes beyond aisle placement and mannequin setups. Retailers also need to consider the window displays, pricing, and signage—more specifically, the shelf signage. One thing that store owners may ask is how far apart you should place shelf signs. We have all the answers here.

Shelf Signage Distance

Most shop owners know how they need to put items on shelves. They must distance them equally apart so that there’s enough room for shoppers to select their products but not too much room that you have empty space.

The signage is a different story, and retailers may not know what to do. You want customers to be able to read the information on the sign pertaining to your products. So abide by the golden rule and place the shelf sign in the center of the row. It needs to be at least three fingers distance from the next sign.

However, that’s only the minimum. Some stores place the signs an entire five fingers apart. Too many signs on one row look congested and make it difficult for shoppers to read what they’re purchasing. They should never be confused about the products they buy. So take a step back and consider what looks best on your shelves.

Types of Shelf Signage

There are various types of shelf signage, and each one serves a different purpose. Knowing the different types makes it easier for the retailer to find the proper placement. Choose a sign that effectively displays the message you want to convey to the customers.

Shelf Talkers

Use shelf talkers to display special prices and promotion rates. These signs are effective because they stand out and cause a shopper to pause and read.

The main goal of shelf talkers is to make them striking enough to grab attention. And depending on the message, someone might make an additional purchase. Because shelf talkers are so obtrusive, you don’t want to add too much additional signage on the same row. It’s better to keep signage minimal with these signs.

Shelf Clips

Purchase shelf clips and grips in a variety of styles to attach essential information to your shelves. Clips and grips aren’t as attention-seeking as talkers, so you don’t need to worry about placing too many in the same row.

However, you still need to follow the golden rule of three-finger distance. Take it one step further and try for four fingers. Additional spacing works in the retailer’s and shopper’s favor, as it will be easier for customers to read the signs.

Data Strips

Data strips are the most popular option for retailers. Use data strips to display product names, prices, barcodes, brand colors, and promotional information. Consider these your golden strips—they have all the information shoppers need.

If the customer has to ask a staff member a question about the product, they might need to scan the barcode. That’s when these signs come in handy. However, distance matters most for these strips. Don’t place them too close together because you don’t want to accidentally scan the wrong code.

Clip Strips

Clip strips are great for saving space. Hang them on the edge of the shelf for optimal effect. Clip strips display brand headers, prices, and other information that a customer might need to know. Because they save so much space on shelves, you don’t need to worry much about spacing.

Multiple clip strips on one row might be the thing you need to get customers to walk down the aisle. They’ll see a series of clip strips, and their curiosity will guide them down. Don’t think of it as bombarding. Instead, think of it as smart advertising.

Shelf Wobblers

Shelf wobblers project from shelves and jump out at the customer, immediately grabbing their attention. Their names come from the way they wobble when they feel a gentle breeze. However, the catch is that you may need to fix these in a specific place.

Shoppers walking down an aisle is enough to make these signs rattle, so make sure they’re secure. If not, you’ll have a lot of shelf wobblers on the floor that you and the rest of the staff will need to pick up. Space is still important with these signs. Because they are so flimsy and can easily fall over, you don’t want them too close together.

Shelf Signage Elements

Thinking about the different elements of shelf signs also helps to determine how far apart you should place them. These characteristics have a direct effect on the shopper as they prowl down the aisles.


Use contrasting colors for the font and background. The most visible colors are black, white, and red for the text. Print these letters over backgrounds that are the exact opposite color. For example, white text on a black background is always a crowd favorite.

Sign Condition

Never display tattered signs, unclean signs, signs with misspelled words, or signs with crossed-out wording. This conveys a message of unprofessionalism and reflects poorly on your store. Keep all shelf signs in pristine condition, and use sign protectors for the best type of safeguarding.


Make sure the tags on the signs are big and bold so that customers can identify the prices, descriptions, and sizes. Some items might come with their own tags. Make sure the information on those tags accurately reflects the information on the shelf signs. If the information is different, customers won’t know which one is right.

Negative Signs

Finally, never place too many negative signs in one row. One is plenty. Shoppers don’t like to receive too much bad news, and it’s always better for retailers to deliver as little as possible. Warnings, prohibitions, and statements about penalties can be off-putting to customers, so avoid them if possible.

Knowing how far apart you should place shelf signs is a small tidbit of what we provide at Global Display Solutions. For more information, visit our website.

How Far Apart Should You Place Shelf Signs?