Retract36 Can Promote Safer Work Environments

Retract36 Can Promote Safer Work Environments

Published by The Global Display Solution on October 29, 2015, 2:07 am

Workplace falls are found in all occupational settings. According to a recent study released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC)  Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, falls remain a leading cause of unintentional injury mortality nationwide, and 43 percent of fatal falls in the last decade have involved a ladder.


Among workers, approximately 20 percent of these fall injuries involve ladders. In the retail sector, these falls can result from everyday tasks like climbing a ladder to change-out a banner display hanging from a store ceiling.

As a store-owner or manager, you can avoid this potential problem by using the Retract36 system to hang your ceiling banner displays.

This patented product, which was created by a store-manager for store-managers, is different from other systems because it puts the science and technology in the display itself and not the pole, making it easy for a single associate to stay put on the ground and still hang large banners,” says Earle Bevins, general manager for The Global Display Solution. “The system works like a household blind. Simply use a pole to bring the banner display down to a position where the banner can be changed," Bevins explains. "Then, guide the banner back to a fixed hanging position 10-18  feet from the floor. The whole process takes about 2 minutes."

“Many stores want to take advantage of open ceilings, which are popular in retail settings, and the Retract36 product has been tested extensively and is able to overcome the real challenges these settings present and increase their appeal and functionality,” Bevins added. 

Learn more about how you can create a safer workplace environment, save money on labor costs, and increase marketing opportunities — call us today at  800/494-2903, or reach us at email: