Sign Placement and Psychology: What You Need To Know

Sign Placement and Psychology: What You Need To Know

Published by Global Display Solution on March 11, 2022, 2:02 am

Many businesses underestimate the value of traditional marketing media in this digital age. However, traditional marketing media and signage can have a huge impact on your business if you know how to use it right. For example, are you familiar with sign placement and how it affects customer psychology? Here’s what you need to know about sign placement and psychology in marketing.

Place Signs With Objectives in Mind

When designing and placing your store signs, do so with an objective in mind. Ask yourself, “What is the purpose of this sign?” Maybe you’re trying to promote a product or service, direct customers to a certain area of your store, or answer frequently asked questions. Place these signs that convey critical information in well-lit, high-traffic areas of your store. This information will help guide customers through the shopping experience and make them feel more at ease and familiar with your store.

Play On Emotions

Using psychology in marketing often means playing into emotions and evoking a certain emotional response from the customer. For example, if you want to create a sense of urgency and surprise in the customer, you could place signs outside your store that notify them about a limited-time sale. Playing into emotions like happiness, sadness, excitement, and more can help your business use its signage to be more persuasive.

Use Color Psychology

Are you familiar with color psychology? We can’t talk about the psychology of signs and marketing without mentioning color theory and psychology. Certain colors promote certain emotions in customers before they even read what’s written on a sign. For example, yellow tones promote happiness and optimism, while red tones promote excitement. Shades of red are the perfect pair for the limited-time sale example above because it would increase the customer’s sense of excitement and urgency. Pair color psychology with sign placement and your marketing signage will be more effective than ever!

Sign placement and psychology can have a major impact on your marketing strategy’s success or failure. Use what you need to know from these sign placement and psychology tips to increase customer interest and promote new business in your store. And if you’re in need of signage of your storefront, browse our shop here at The Global Display Solutions for all your retail display solutions.