Tips for Retail Space Planning

Tips for Retail Space Planning

Published by Global Display Solution on April 2, 2021, 1:47 am

Your business depends on a cohesive and appealing brick-and-mortar operation. Without a seamless design and attractive space, a customer may feel unsettled while shopping amidst clutter or tight spots. As you arrange or redecorate your storefront, here are the best tips for retail space planning you must consider.

Set Your Floor Plan

Your floor plan is the logic behind how you arrange your products and set up your fixtures. There are several types to choose from, but the most common ones are straight, angular, looped, and free-flowing floor plans. Though your physical space will limit the options you have, these models are relatively scalable, and you should have no problem finding the right arrangement with a bit of creativity. Try sketching out a few options on paper and imagine it in your store. Once you feel comfortable with a design, place your racks and stands on the sales floor and walk it through yourself.

Give Enough Space

Your customers visit your shop to peruse items and hopefully purchase a product you sell. Though you want them to see all the merchandise you have, it can be overwhelming to navigate a tight, overflowing space. You must ensure there is enough room between fixtures and products for people to walk past comfortably. You should also give room for wider walkways with two lanes of traffic. Otherwise, people may feel claustrophobic and uncomfortable—two feelings you want to avoid in a business setting.

Refresh Displays Often

Cycling items out frequently is vital to your business, especially considering loyal, returning customers. If your regular shoppers feel like your store is stagnant and nothing ever changes, they have less incentive to visit your store. You’ll want to reorganize your space, change up the promotional products, and switch all associated signage. If you need help finding retail display solutions, reach out to us at The Global Display Solution today.

Follow these tips for retail space planning and keep things fresh. With an ever-changing landscape, you give your customers a brand-new experience every time they visit your shop.